What's new in PostgreSQL 11 Wednesday 14:00 New York
Twitter: @magnushagander Blog: blog.hagander.net Company website: redpill-linpro.com
I’m a PostgreSQL developer, consultant and teacher, working for Redpill Linpro mainly in the Scandinavian area. Within PostgreSQL I’m a member of the core team, on the board of PostgreSQL Europe, one of the comitters and on the infrastructure team.
In most ways you can think of, on a daily basis :)
Yes, both as attendee, speaker and organiser.
The new release of PostgreSQL, that will hopefully be out by the time of the conference. If it’s not, then it will at least be out very soon.
This is always a topic that a lot of people are interested in -- what do they have to look forward to in the new version for those that have already decided to upgrade, or to find good reasons to upgrade for those that have not yet decided.
Anybody using PostgreSQL, really.
It makes a lot more sense if one has a reasonable familiarity with PostgreSQL today, but even just knowing another database decently will probably be enough to get something useful out of it.
There are many, but one really big one that a lot of people don’t realize are the enhancements to the WINDOW queries.
I’ll have to say Devrim’s talk about "What’s Old in PostgreSQL 11". It’ll be interesting to see his take on that one, right after my own!